Crypto Markets Simplified
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Trusted data on 1500+ crypto-pairs from
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New crypto-pairs added over previous week:
Live Ticker
Live ticker from each exchange. Updated every 15 minutes. Last traded price, Bid, Ask from each exchange. Delta in the last 15 minutes. Price arbitrage between exchanges.

Ticker updated every 15 minutes

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Increase of 0.1% or more in Last | Bid | Ask
Decrease of 0.1% or more in Last | Bid | Ask
Change of -0.1% to 0.1% in Last | Bid | Ask

Ticker in tabular format
MyChart - Cryptopairs Correlation Analysis
Build your custom chart and analytics, with immediate, real-time statistical analysis such as Pearsons coefficient.

Combine multiple crypto-pairs for concurrent analysis, time slice analysis, isolate by crypto-exchange, pair-wise statistical correlation analysis between multiple crypto-currency pairs, among others Visit the MyChart section.

Data updated daily

Prices and Arbitrage Across Exchanges
Most leading crypto assets are traded on multiple crypto exchanges.

But, DID YOU KNOW... Crypto prices can differ significantly between exchanges for the same day? Sometimes exceeding 25-30% for some crypto-pairs...

Visit the Markets Data section to discover price & vol stats for 1500+ crypto pairs.

Analyze if your favorite crypto-exchange provides better pricing.

New crypto-pairs added over previous week:

Data updated daily


Markets Data for 1500+ Crypto Pairs
Top Winners & Losers - Daily, Monthly, Quarterly
Discover the Top Winners and Losers for the past 1-Day, 7-Days, 15-Days, 30-Days and 90-Days, across ALL exchanges, or within the crypto-exchange that you prefer.

Visit the Top Winners & Losers section to discover Top 10 Winners and Losers for the past 1-Day, 7-Days, upto 90-Days for your crypto-exchange or other exchanges

Data updated daily

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Updated: As of 2023-02-25
Exchange: All
Last 1D
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Last 90D
More Top 10 Winners & Losers
New Crypto-Pairs Listed/De-Listed
Crypto exchanges are constantly updating the crypto-assets that can be traded on the exchange. Discover new crypto-pairs and crypto-tokens newly listed or delisted from each individual crypto-exchange

Visit the New Crypto Listed/De-Listed section to discover weekly listing changes made by each crypto-exchange.

New crypto-pairs added over previous week:

Data updated weekly

Click to Find the Crypto-Pair Names
Active Crypto-Pairs
There are over 1500 active crypto-pairs traded on Bittrex and Coinbase alone.

While this section highlights a few, visit the Active Crypto-Pairs section to discover all the actively traded crypto-pairs on Bittrex and Coinbase

Data updated daily

#SymbolNameCrypto ExchangeAvg Price* Price UnitVol*Vol Unit
See 1500+ Active Crypto-Pairs
Knowledge & Bulletins
Visit the DeCryptoLetter section for monthly wrap-ups in the crypto markets. Jul 2023 newsletter is now live.

Visit the DeCryptofied - Knowledge & Insights for articles and other random stuff.

New Article - Does a rising Bitcoin tide lift all crypto boats?

A fascinating conversation with ChatGPT on a wide variety of crypto topics Conversation with ChatGPT is now live!

Click for DeCryptoLetter
Click for DeCryptofied - Knowledge & Insights
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