Insights, Thought Leadership & Random Musings
Does a rising Bitcoin tide lift all crypto boats?
We look to answer this question - “Does a rising Bitcoin tide lift all crypto boats…?”. We also look to answer some related nuances - “Does a rising Bitcoin tide lift all crypto boats similarly? Across crypto-exchanges? And are they the same over time?”
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14 Mar 2023
Conversation with ChatGPT
A fascinating conversation with ChatGPT on crypto currencies. DeCryptofy asked ChatGPT about its views on crypto-currency, global goverment views on crypto, incl. G7 & G20 governments, governments that are supportive of crypto or opposed, and a general sense of the future for crypto.
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20 Jan 2023
DeCryptofy Under the Hood
Combining data across crypto exchanges should be simple right? Ummm...Appears that it is not as straightforward as one would like, largely because each exchange has its own standards for data, terminology, specific data items, among other things. DeCryptofy makes it simple, by solving the hard problem of combining data across exchanges, in a standard, easy-to-understand-and-use fashion.
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24 Jul 2022
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